Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"You're not you when you're hungry."

It's so interesting to me how people come up with the funniest and most clever things for a commercial. I was never a huge fan of Snickers, but this commercial has changed that, I now really enjoy Snickers. Is that even possible? Can a commercial like Snickers really change the way you feel about it? Well, all I know is for me it did. My family and I are huge candy lovers, but I never thought Snickers were that great. They were okay, but I didn't really care for them. Thanks to their commercials though, I have become a huge fan. And it's all because they have the best commercials.

Of all the candy commercials out there, I think Snickers has the best ones. Besides the fact that they are absolutely hilarious, they are also very intriguing. I would have never thought of these things. Their commercials always end with, "you're not you when you're hungry" and that's so true. Every time I'm hungry, I get in the worst mood. I become like a grumpy bear. So what makes this commercial so great is how accurate it is, although it's exaggerated, it's true....and very funny.

FEAR: It uses something disliked by the audience like when he tells Jeff, "every time you get hungry, you act like a diva" so he tells him to eat a snickers claiming that will fix the problem. "You're not you when you're hungry."

HUMOR: This ad uses humor by grabbing our attention, like in the beginning when Jeff is actually an African American lady because he's hungry and when he's hungry he acts like a diva. But then after he takes a bite of a snickers he's himself again and changes to a male.

PLAIN FOLKS: This technique is in this commercial because instead of having beautiful people or celebrities, they have normal, regular people. Which makes more people relate to it.

Repetition: The phrase, "you're not you when you're hungry" is in about every Snickers commercial. Repeating this phrase will help make the viewer remember it

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How does Desperate Housewives portray women..

In Desperate Housewives there are more women than men, and as you might have guessed, the leading role is held by a woman. The main characters on this show are Bree, Gabrielle, Katherine, Lynette, Mary Alice, Susan, Andrew, Mike, Carlos, Orson and Tom. Although most of the women and men in this show are not young, they still are made up to look beautiful and handsome. You would probably have a hard time finding someone in this show overweight or ugly. They are all dressed and styled to perfection.

The main focus of this show is on women, even though there are men, too. But it's called Desperate Housewives for a reason. The show is filled with mainly beauty and drama, with that said, the intended audience is for women. The women are skinny, beautiful and dressed how you would probably imagine...sophisticated and sexy. As perfect as they may look or seem, their lives are far from that. Secrets and drama explain a lot that happens in this show.

With that said, I would say no, Desperate Housewives does not accurately portray women. But as far as how media portrays women, then yes, it would be accurate. The looks of the women in this show is not how the average women in America look. And as far as their lifestyles, I don't think the normal, average women in this country have that much drama and confusion in their lives.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Super Bowl

Well, people in general who love sports usually love beer, not everybody, but alcohol is popular with sports. Also, people who love sports usually love food. So is it really surprising that the most frequently items advertised during this time are alcohol, fast food and pop? It shouldn't be.
When people are getting ready for the Super Bowl, they get tons of snacks, junk food, pop and beer for the celebration. Knowing that, I would say it's not unusual that the most frequently advertised items during the Super Bowl are alcohol and fast food/pop. So, of course the Super Bowl is going to allow this type of advertising because they know they're going to make a lot of money from it. And even though these items are bad for our health, they are also really popular items with people.
Even if the Super Bowl didn't allow this type of advertising, people are still going to buy alcohol, fast food and pop. But the advertisements boost this popularity even more...and make more money doing so.
Although Americans know how unhealthy these items are for us, that doesn't stop us from buying them. They taste too good, apparently.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Voting? Do I even care?

I remember how big of a deal election day was, and how I was so sick of hearing about John McCain and Barrack Obama. I just wanted it to be done with already. And I'm so glad it's finally said and done, I couldn't be happier!

I never cared for politics, honestly. Yes, I looked into both McCain and Obama a little, but do you know how much work it is to keep tabs on everything? Way too much, let me tell you. It's so stressful and just wears me out! It got to the point where I was just like, "I don't care who wins anymore!"

I wasn't old enough to vote anyways...
But if I could have, I don't even know if I would have voted. I feel like my vote wouldn't matter, but then again, if everyone thought like that, would we have a president? Don't get me wrong, I think it's important for people to vote, only if they stand strong on their beliefs, and want things to change in this world. If you honestly don't care, then hey, do what you please!

Let me just put it this way, if you don't vote, don't complain about who wins. I find it extremely annoying when people don't vote, but then when a certain person wins the election, they are all up in arms about it. If you have a say in something, use it. You could possibly change things...

I guess what I'm trying to say is, even though I may not be much into politics, voting can still be important and make a difference. I'm not saying you HAVE to vote, but if you really think a person can make this country a better place, be involved. In the future when I'm able to vote and if I really like someone, I probably will vote. But as of now, it's not something I'm interested in.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Downloading, good or bad...

I remember thinking, "well, if people I know can get away with it, then I can." So, I started doing it and thought nothing wrong of it. It was simple and the best part was, it was FREE. I knew there had to be thousands and thousands of people doing it everyday, so I didn't think it was a big deal, or I would get caught. And I never did, but then I learned how much damage it really does...

I'm just going to get to the point. Downloading music, or even movies illegally is selfish. Bottom line. Many people don't know how much it effects other people, like the artists for instance. If you enjoy a singer or bands music, then why are you downloading it and causing them to lose money? Maybe you didn't know you were, either way, you did know you were doing something illegal.

I knew what I was doing when I first started downloading music, but I didn't care to think about how it was wrong or how I could be causing people to lose money. I just did it because 1) it was easy, 2) it was free, and 3) I wanted music.

I recently learned how many people do it, what the consequences are, and how it effects people and businesses. When I found that out, I was so surprised. People who download are making artists and businesses lose money. Not cool. And if you get caught downloading illegally, you could get charged almost $10,000 for EACH song you downloaded. Unfair? Well, no. Because you shouldn't have been doing it in the first place. Stealing is wrong, period.

If we could find a solution to fix this problem, it could really make a difference. I think it would be a good idea to have people from music businesses talk to schools and colleges about the effects and damages downloading does. I think once people know how big of a deal it really is, this might be able to change. I can only hope...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Me and Music

The big hair, crazy make-up, and piercings, yep that was me! To be honest, I used to dress and look so ridiculous because of the music I listened to and when I look back I wonder what I was thinking, haha, embarrassing much? Yes, just a little. I thought I was pretty cool though, at the time. But little did I know...

If it wasn't for my brother, I probably wouldn't have been into the heavy, screamo, hardcore, metal music, but it grew on me. That kind of music wasn't very popular at the time, maybe that's why people thought it was different and I was weird looking. Which I totally was. But my best friend Mallory and I loved the music, it was different and was bringing music to a whole new level.

My life back then consisted of going to band shows almost every weekend, finding "creative" different ways to do my hair, and piercing things on my body. I was thirteen years old when I pierced my lip with a safety pin, smart idea, I know. But it didn't get infected! That would have been miserable, and real attractive. It was nice to be able to look how I wanted because my parents didn't mind, at all. They let me and my brothers be who we wanted to be, they understood how teenagers are.

Heavy music and metal was around before my generation, of course. But it wasn't anything like it used to be. It became heavier, with a different style and sound to it. Older generations didn't get it, they thought it was full of hate, and that's just because it wasn't like the bands they listened to as teenagers. It's crazy how times change.

In my teenage years music genres were expanding immensely. As I grew up, I wasn't surprised with all the music that has been created. There's so many types, it's really crazy. I finally got out of that "style" though, and I decided to like what I like and not worry about being a certain way because of the music I was into. Although I still like hardcore music, I expanded my music interests and now listen to everything. Seriously. Everything from Metal to country.