Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Super Bowl

Well, people in general who love sports usually love beer, not everybody, but alcohol is popular with sports. Also, people who love sports usually love food. So is it really surprising that the most frequently items advertised during this time are alcohol, fast food and pop? It shouldn't be.
When people are getting ready for the Super Bowl, they get tons of snacks, junk food, pop and beer for the celebration. Knowing that, I would say it's not unusual that the most frequently advertised items during the Super Bowl are alcohol and fast food/pop. So, of course the Super Bowl is going to allow this type of advertising because they know they're going to make a lot of money from it. And even though these items are bad for our health, they are also really popular items with people.
Even if the Super Bowl didn't allow this type of advertising, people are still going to buy alcohol, fast food and pop. But the advertisements boost this popularity even more...and make more money doing so.
Although Americans know how unhealthy these items are for us, that doesn't stop us from buying them. They taste too good, apparently.